Wood Flooring Consultation
Wood Flooring Specification Services
Assisting developers, architects and home owners in writing project specific, code compliant, clearly defined specifications for the entire wood floor assembly.
Depending on the characteristics of the building and space that is to receive a wood floor, we are able to recommend an appropriate flooring assembly for your project. We offer expertise in sound isolated flooring assemblies, installations in radiant heat environments, and innumerable modes of wood flooring construction.
The purpose is to avoid cut and paste, confusing boiler plate publications. Our specifications deal separately with substrate preparation, leveling, subfloor assembly, sound attenuation, materials of subflooring, materials of finish flooring, protocol of installation, sanding and finishing, storage, protection of installed flooring, environmental issues as proper indoor atmospheric conditions.
- Work with Architect, Designer or Home Owner on developing updated specifications for the wood flooring assembly of the Building.
- Develop precise descriptions of the finish floor with sharp parameters.
- Assist with developing color sample and finish; formulate process for easy application in field.
- Review schedule of values.